The Road to Successful Carbon Insetting 



Carbon insetting, with its promise of tangible emission reductions, robust supply chains, and sustainable futures, is increasingly becoming indispensable 


Increase Deal Velocity 

Strategic Governance Monitoring Context

Platform drives profitability, minimizes risk, and improves visibility and control across the entire deal lifecycle.  


Machine Learning tool stack

Identification of the sustainable routes.

Keep your operations running as smoothly as possible.



Asset Capture & Digitalization.

Deployment Operations Management.

Take your projects from breaking ground to sale.


Trusted Carbon Data for real climate impact:

Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSRD)

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)  & Carbon Footprint

ESG  & EU Taxonomy


  • Test your business’s resilience across a range of hypothetical scenarios, providing the tools you need to make informed decisions in a rapidly changing world.
  • Align your business strategy to emerging market trends and regulations, and drive competitive advantage.
  • Identify potential blind spots, and uncover and leverage opportunities for growth in a fast-changing environment.
  • Develop a feasible, sustainable and logical Net-Zero transition plan.
  • Embed sustainability in your corporate culture.
  • Demonstrate to investors and lenders through Net-Zero alignment that your company’s climate-related risks have been appropriately assessed, potentially leading to easier or better access to capital.
  • Understand portfolio risk, design an investment strategy that avoids climate risks, and improve due diligence  processes to screen out, or accurately price, climate-risky investments.


1- Understand climate-related risks and opportunities to your business.

2- Develop your climate goals and define a strategy to turn ambition into action.

3- Mobilise resources, innovation, and financing to drive change. Build partnerships and coalitions to sustain it.

4- Communicate your progress with confidence and credibility.


1- Network development planning.

2- Route identification & AI optioneering.

3- Baseline assessment for consenting & permitting.

4- Substation siting with pure water.

5- Grid (inter)connection for renewables and storage.

6- Biodiversity baseline assessment.

7- Conceptual studies for competitive tenders.

8- Stakeholder engagement and public consultation.

9- Early contractor engagement.



1- Manage the context of projects and their deployments.
2- Increase profitability and shorten time to revenue.
3- Improve field work productivity.
4- Track, merge, and centralize all your sites and assets.

5- Boost network deployment efficiency with GIS-powered project workflows that improve how you capture (Vision), digitalise (Digital Twins), track and report Net-Zero progress (with SITE TRACKER).



1- Effortlessly gather data from diverse and disparate sources, including suppliers.

2- Rapidly and efficiently onboard suppliers.
3- Seamlessly integrate with your current IT systems.
4- Precisely, transparently, and continuously calculate your carbon footprint, encompassing both product and organizational levels.
5- Gain comprehensive insights into products, including their origins, manufacturing processes and its potential for reuse.
6- Easily prove compliance with all types of regulations (including CSRD, ESRS, Taxonomy, SDG, GRI, SASB, ISSB), to generate the required reporting formats and KPIs.
7- Establish and monitor targets for carbon reduction.
8- Conduct Net Zero simulations based on forecasting data.